RSVP for Seder due
Please RSVP to the synagogue President with the dates attending and number in your party for the Passover Seders. Thank you!
1501 Cherry Street / Williamsport, Pa 17701 / 570-322-4209
Weekly services are centered around Shabbat and held on Fridays near sundown and Saturdays at 9:15AM. Minyans are available upon request for yahrzeits and other lifecycle events. Ohev Sholom enjoys a full year of holiday services from Rosh Hashanah through Selichot.
Please RSVP to the synagogue President with the dates attending and number in your party for the Passover Seders. Thank you!
Our Chanukah dinner will feature brisket, latkes, and sufganiyot among other yummy things!
Speaker: Yuval Donio-Gideon, Consul for Public Diplomacy, Consul General of Israel, New York. Prayers and songs will be led by Rabbi Herbert Horowitz, Cantor Etan …